Monday, July 20, 2009

Power point presentations

Well here I go again, I have used power point presentations, but Wow I really didn't know that so much could be done. I know that I will use them a lot more now than I have done. Some of the applications that we looked at in class, I have done before, such as changing formats, inserting objects/pictures, I have reformatted images and have made different slide formats (changed the style and background to suit). I have always thought and done presentations in a dot point format, yes unfortunately I am a list maker, but with the idea of developing concept maps, this is something I think I would have a go at. I could see me using power point presentations in the class room. The ability to print out handouts, use colour, graphics, visuals and sounds, I feel would capture; at least in some aspect, the attention of students no matter what their learning style of preferences are. I am looking forward to the next session on this positive, effective and useful tool.

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