Monday, July 20, 2009


My wiki address is I really don't know what I will put on my wiki, or what I will use it for. I am hopeful that I will be able to use wikispace to publish useful and factual information on the subjects that I will be teaching. I am sure that when I am in a classroom with students, and they have my wiki address that they will find this tool very helpful. The students will be able to access this site as many times as they need to, and will know that they have the correct assessable information required to complete their tasks. Another really good way to utilise wikis in the classroom would be for group activities; the students would be able to create their own web pages, input their research for the task, upload their assessments and monitor all the other groups. Can you just imagine the possibilities? I would think that there would be quite a large percentage of participation, because we know how children love to create things especially on the computer.

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